3 Commitments to Making Disciples

Commit to your plan! We have talked about the need for a discipleship plan. We have resources available for helping to make a plan of your own which is biblical and intentional. Your discipleship plan doesn’t need to look exactly like mine does. It needs to fit in your church and community and context, and it should be solidly biblical and focused on making disciples who look, live, and love like Jesus.

Commit it to your schedule! Set a time for your discipleship group to meet on a regular basis and stick to it. Life will happen and things will not always work according to plan, but make sure you stay the course of meeting regularly together as a small group.

Commit to a time frame! Part of your plan should be the next phase, when the ones you are discipling today, become the ones making more disciples tomorrow. Have an idea of when that tomorrow is and aim for it. You may need to make adjustments of course and some may be ready sooner and some later. Having a time frame in mind helps keep the process on track. Jesus certainly knew he had a limited amount of time to work with the disciples He had chosen. We do as well.

This is the heart of our commission and this is the basis of our commitment. Go and make disciples!