Church Health
Doing the essential spiritual work that prompts a movement of God which propels the church into a state of health and wholeness that leads to growth and reproduction.
Sabbatical Grant
This grant is used to assist DBC churches in allowing their pastors to take a 1-3 month sabbatical leave. The grant will provide assistance in providing supply preaching and pastoral care in the pastor’s absence. The sabbatical grant will also coach the pastor and church in developing a sabbatical plan.
Supply Preachers
Looking for pulpit supply? Need someone who has been vetted and can be trusted to truthfully and honestly preach the Word of God while upholding the tenets of the Baptist Faith & Message? Perhaps you are in the Dakotas and would like to be a supply preacher. Either way, we have you covered!
We have a list of supply preachers who have been vetted by their pastors. We also have a sign-up form if you would like to be considered (and vetted!) for pulpit supply.
Bring a Mission Team to Your Church
The Dakota Baptist Convention hears from groups all around the United States who would like to help churches and ministries in the Dakotas over the summer. Opportunities that you might want to consider include: block parties, neighborhood surveys, church repairs, VBS or backyard clubs, youth retreat, or neighborhood clean-up. The opportunities are limited only by your imagination.
Church Planting
Here you can earn about how you, as a church or an individual, can help plant churches in the Dakotas.
This is also the place to go if you are a current NAMB/DBC church planter looking for resources.