Williston VBS Touches the World; Expresses Appreciation to DBC

By Bobbi Wicorek, Cornerstone Children’s Director

Dakota Baptist Convention, thank you so much for the grant you so generously gifted us (Williston, ND: Cornerstone Church) for our VBS program this year! With the funds we were able to “go big”. We were able to promote VBS by building a float for our local Band Day Parade (which took first place in the decoration contest!). That exposure made a huge impact on the number of kids we were able to reach! One hundred kids registered, and we had an average of 75 attend each night. This is almost double the attendance we had last year!

We were able to buy the student booklets, something we have never been able to provide before. The books not only helped the lessons stick, but also took the message home to their families. 

During VBS we challenged the kids to raise $500 to provide 2000 meals for kids in need through Children’s Hunger Fund. I was absolutely blown away by their generosity! One moment particularly stuck out to me. After hearing about a child in Nepal whose grandmother was working as much as she could and still wasn’t able to provide enough food for them, one fourth grade boy walked up to me, opened up his wallet, and donated everything he had down to the last penny tucked in the corner to help kids in need. They not only met that challenge, but more than doubled it! They donated $1,120 to Children’s Hunger Fund which provides 4,480 meals for kids in need! 

Thank you for partnering with us and helping is impact our community for Christ. Thank you for making our VBS a HUGE success! 

Editor’s Note: The DBC has evangelism funds to assist Dakota churches with evangelistic events, projects, and training. If your church is planning an event designed to share the gospel or train others to share the gospel, contact the DBC through our website or call the DBC office.