What Is RISE Part 3
By Everett Hornbostel
For the last few months, we’ve investigated the various elements of the RISE Active Intruder program. Each element can stand alone or it can be used in conjunction with other elements. Whichever element a church finds itself in during an active intruder incident, it is important to remember to take on whichever element is safe to perform at the moment.
Last month we discussed what it looks like to interrupt an intruder and considered that route as a fully committed element of the RISE program. Once a team decides to interrupt the intruder, they need to continue the step until either the threat is stopped, or they are.
This time, we are moving into the SECURE element. Each church is a unique mix of rooms, hallways and exits. This is why RISE exists…because churches are each unique.
It is helpful to think outside of the box if the action needed during an incident is to secure in place. Each room in each church can offer a variety of tools to aide in securing the room. Tables, belts, computer cables, chairs and a number of other instruments within the room can be used in creative ways to secure the room. A table or bookshelf shoved against an inward swinging door can keep an intruder from making entry. An extension cord tied around the knob of an outward swinging door can be equally as effective. The importance is to be creative with the tools that are handy.
The next logical question could be, “we’ve secured ourselves in a room…now what?” Make sure the lights are off and be as quiet as possible. If it is safe to do so, calling 911 can be effective so responders can know there are people secured in a room. It would be prudent to maintain contact with emergency services in case the intruder decides to claim to be the police. If the intruder would do so, you can verify with dispatch that an officer is actually outside of the door.
Remember, in an active intruder situation, options exist:
Next month, we will explore evacuation.
If you are interested in taking a closer look at your facilities, please reach out to me at [email protected] and we can schedule a time to consider the ways SECURE can be useful in your facility.