West Fargo Missions Conference Highlights Work in Fargo and Around the World
By: Tanner Olson
On Saturday, April 13, Living Hope Baptist Church in West Fargo, ND hosted their second annual Missions Conference. The conference’s purpose is to educate people about the work being done through SBC partners around the world and in our own backyard. The hope is that as people connect with church planters and missionaries here and abroad that they gain a greater heart for the Great Commission and the spread of the Gospel to the nations.
There were two speakers this year. First, they had Pastor Moses Orukatan from Mercy Seat Church in Fargo speak. Moses is originally from Nigeria and was saved when IMB missionaries were sent to his country. Now Moses is a NAMB church planter in Fargo, ND. Mercy Seat has found a niche with international students and immigrants in the metro area.
The keynote speakers were Living Hope’s Church connection missionaries through IMB. The Elliots have served overseas for over a decade with IMB and were able to connect with Living Hope and share about their work as they are finishing out their time here in the states. The Elliots also shared about their upcoming work as they head back overseas again this summer.
Tanner Olson is the lead pastor for Living Hope Baptist Church in West Fargo, ND