The Power of Your Testimony
Passage: Revelation 12:11
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved
not their lives unto the death.”— Revelation 12:11
Personal testimonies that showcase His story and demonstrate the transformative power of faith in Christ in anyone’s life
are potent tools for evangelism. Story telling as an intentional approach to evangelism is a broad-based and powerful
approach that believers, regardless of the level of training or number of years in Christ, can use to connect with others for
Christ. This approach embraces the diversity of people’s journey in life, making evangelism more about identifying people’s
needs, identifying with those needs, and then inviting them to accept Christ into their life for a new journey with Christ.
This need basis approach and inclusivity fosters a spirit of openness and acceptance, where people from all backgrounds
feel welcome and valued.
On the next few months, I will share a handy tool called “5Ps” to help us craft and share our testimonies effectively. We will
learn to highlight the impact of Jesus Christ in our journey in under five minutes. 5Ps is part of the TELL Africa evangelism
initiative*, designed to address the challenges of Christians sharing their Story and His story, effectively and precisely.
Many Christians struggle to tell their story. Many testimonies shared are neither here nor there. They often lack structure
or direction. With 5Ps, key aspects of every believer’s encounter with Christ are highlighted. I believe that if our stories are
organized around these key areas it will enable us to tell our story with joy and victory through the help of the Holy Spirit.
The 5 keys areas or 5Ps of our story revolves around these:
1) Problem Area
2) Picture of the Problem
3) Period/Place
4) Person Now
5) Praise and Prayers
Over the next five months we will journey through the five Ps. Each month I will highlight one of the five key areas of telling
your story. It is my desire that at the end of these five months we will be able to organize our salvation experience for
effective person-to-person or even group evangelism.
This month, I will focus on the first P which is the Problem Area.
This refers to the crisis area(s) of our life before we submitted our life to Jesus Christ. Some could be alarming, such as
addictions to drugs or alcohol, prostitution, or crime. But for many they could be silent or harder for others to see, such as
fear or phobia, jealousy, lust, lying, greed, etc.) no matter the silence, loudness, visibility, or nature of the sin, the Bible says
ALL have sinned (Rom. 3:23). What is the particular crisis areas of your life? For example, “I lived a life of bitterness and
fear of the unknown.”
Next month, I will highlight on the second P, which is the PICTURE. Remain blessed as you stay committed to reaching the
lost for Christ.
*The TELL Evangelism Initiative was developed over the past six years by South Africa pastor Dr. Julius Mbu, Segun
Adeyemo, and DBC Executive Director Dr. Fred MacDonald. It is built around sharing three stories: Your Story, His Story, and
Their Story. For information on holding an evangelism training event led by Pastor Adeyemo and Dr. MacDonald, contact
either of them at the DBC office.
Segun Adeyemo recently moved with his family from South Africa to the Dakotas. He is serving as the DBC evangelism
DBC Intern
Segun Adeyemo