The Heart of Christ From the Pulpit: Feature 1
by Sean Donnelly
I would like to share about the heart of Christ on display through service and servanthood. At Black Hill Baptist Church we have a newly installed deacon, Dave. He is every bit a servant as the title would suggest. Every week I am hearing from somebody either in the church or in the community how they had a need and Dave was there to supply for them.
Here is a particular illustration. Dave accidentally developed what we now fondly refer to as “Ramp Up Ministries.” Over the last year, Dave has built at least six ramps into people’s homes who had broken a leg, had a surgery, or became wheelchair bound for a short period. And no matter the conditions of the work, he is always upbeat and showing the utmost love and care to those he is serving. Without a doubt, Dave has allowed me to see the heart of Christ on display through servanthood.
Sean Donnelly is the pastor at Black Hills Baptist Church in Whitewood, SD.