Special Funds Request

This form is used to apply for the following funds:

  • Church Transitional Leadership & Support Fund: Used to help churches who are in pastoral transition by assisting with expenses of having a transition interim pastor, assist in training local churches for pastor search, coach churches in best practices for paster search and provide training for pastors and church leaders interested in becoming transitional interim pastors
  • Coaching & Peer Group Development Fund: Used to help pastors and church leaders to become certified coaches in the Dakotas, fund introductory coach training workshops and develop peer group coaching communities across the Dakotas
  • Sabbatical Grant Fund: Used to assist DBC churches in allowing their pastors to take a 1 to 3 month sabbatical leave by providing assistance in supply preaching and pastoral care in the pastor’s absence

  • * Please note that these funds are only available to members of the Dakota Baptist Convention.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This is the total cost of the project, not necessarily what you are asking the DBC for.
  • Please list each source contributing towards the overall cost.