Seizing Open Doors for Gospel Conversation

Colossians 4:2-6

Devote yourselves to prayerbeing watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

The Scripture in Colossians 4:2-6 encourages us not only to be prayerful but also to be watchful and thankful for gospel opportunities. This is a call to be intentional in proclaiming the message of salvation to the lost. Without being intentional, we will miss many opportunities and doors that God has opened. 

Gospel opportunities are moments or situations that God has prepared as an open door where we can share the message of Jesus and offer hope of salvation to others. 

Here are tips on some specific types of opportunities to pray, watch, and be thankful for:

Prayer Requests: An open door could be in form of someone requesting or us offering to pray for in need. Prayer is one of the most powerful way to introduce a gospel conversation. We have designed a tool called “Prayer Journal” that will aid you in using prayer request as a tool to share His story and encouraging others to have their own story in Christ. If you would like a sample, please contact us at the DBC office.

Personal Crises: A window of opportunity for gospel conversation could be opened when someone is going through a difficult time, such as a relationship challenge, personal loss, or illness. During these painful moments, they may be more open to conversations about faith and hope (Ecclesiastes 7:2-4).

General Crisis Situations: Natural disasters or community tragedies often prompt people to seek hope and meaning. Those without Christ are likely to seek this hope in ungodly materials or false gods. This provides an opening for gospel conversations and to introduce the peace that money cannot buy – Jesus.

Life Events and Changes: When people go through life events such as birthday celebration, wedding anniversary, birth of a child, a new job, graduation, marriage, or relocation, these may prompt them to reflect on purpose and spirituality, making the occasion an ideal moment for a gospel conversation.

Spiritual Questions: Jesus said, “No man can come to me, except the Father that sent me draw him: and I will raise him up in the last day” (John 6:44). We often come across people who express curiosity or doubt about faith. Sometimes they could even come across as anti-God in their disposition and approach. This could be a sign that God is drawing them to Himself. It is a perfect open door to engage them in deeper discussions about the gospel from a heart of love.

Community Events: Participating in local events, social gatherings, sporting events, or service projects can create opportunities to connect with many others especially the lost. We should be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and seize available open doors to share the love of Christ in action.

Social interactions and conversations: Online discussions and social media in particular often present an opportunity to discuss faith, morality, or current events. This can open doors for sharing the gospel in a respectful and engaging way. These days, we spend a great deal of time on social media Online platforms can be a good space to share our faith, offer encouragement, or address questions and doubts that others may have. However, due to the sensitivities and other tendencies that online presents, we need extra caution not to be drawn into arguments or other unhealthy fights. Our engagements should be from the point of view of love and not condemnation or defensiveness.

Everyday Interactions: Simple conversations with coworkers, neighbors or even someone we meet at a local store could lead to opportunities to share the gospel especially when we show genuine care and listen to their stories.

Invitations to Events: At times it could be difficult to engage in personal evangelism but a good way to introduce them to Christ without overwhelming them is by inviting people to church services, small groups, or community gatherings. This can create a context for them to hear the gospel when we might be unable to share with them personally. Part of our action plan for intentional evangelism should also be to invite Others: Don’t hesitate to invite friends or acquaintances to church events or Bible studies. These settings can naturally lead to deeper conversations about faith.

What can help us to seize the opportunities for the open doors above?

1.Through perception, develop an eye for needs

A perceptive heart will spot gospel opportunities quickly. Being perceptive involves being aware of our surroundings, being sensitive to the time and season, and recognizing the gospel opportunity they present. It is being sensitive or perceptive of the needs of others and being open to conversations. Some practical and intentional ways to do this include:

  • Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit: When we are in tune with the Holy Spirit at all times, it will help us to identify the move of God and divine windows of opportunity to share the gospel. This way, every opportunity or occurrence could be turned into a gospel opportunity.
  • Being Observant: Paying attention to the people around us. Looking for signs of struggle, loneliness, or confusion—these can be opportunities to share hope.
  • Active listening: Engage in conversations and listen for keywords or phrases that indicate a person’s needs or questions about faith.
  • Praying for Guidance: Seek God’s direction in your interactions. Pray for opportunities and the right words to say.

2. Showing Care: “Let all you do be done in love(1Cor. 16:14)

We can seize open doors for gospel conversations when we are intentional about:

  • Building Relationships: Invest time in building genuine relationships. Trust opens doors for deeper discussions about faith.
  • Seeking Service Opportunities: Engaging in community service can open doors to discussions about your faith as you serve others; We should also be responsive to current and emergent issues and events: People often seek meaning in times of crisis or uncertainty. Be prepared to offer a gospel perspective when these situations arise.
  • Being Available: Make yourself approachable and available. Becoming a got to person for counsel and a shoulder people can lean on. Sometimes, just being there for someone can lead to a gospel conversation.

3. Seize the Opportunity . . . Take Action:

  • Demonstrate that you are committed to them: Pray with them and write down their prayer needs
  • Philippians 2:3—“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.”
  • Share Your Story: Your personal experiences and salvation testimony can resonate with others and become a tool for gospel conversation. Look for moments to share how your faith in Christ has impacted your life.
  • Share His Story: Share the story of the “ONE” who gave you your own story – Christ, who changed your life and how He changed your life
  • Their Story: Invite them to let God give them their own story by accepting Jesus Christ into their life.

Finally, as you devote yourselves to praying for, being watchful for, and thankful for the doors of gospel opportunities that Christ will open before you, understand that you cannot do it by your own strength. Take time to pray and depend on God for strength. Tell God about the lost before you tell the lost about God. Let the Holy Spirit has His way at all times.

See you again next month.

Segun Adeyemo


Segun Adeyemo is an evangelism intern for the Dakota Baptist Convention.

“Online discussions and social media in particular often present an opportunity to discuss faith, morality, or current events. This can open doors for sharing the gospel in a respectful and engaging way.”



DBC Evangelism Intern

Segun Adeyemo