Registration is Open for Evangelism Workshops

Registration is now open for the two 2024 DBC evangelism workshops The first, April 18-20, will be hosted by Connection Church in Sioux Falls. The second, May 2-4, will be held at the Gladstone Inn in Jamestown, ND. Registration can be done online at

Unlike previous years, each workshop will have a different theme and focus. The theme for the Sioux Falls workshop is “Creating a Culture of Evangelism.” The keynote speaker will be Ryan Strother, executive director for the State Convention of Baptists in Indiana. Worship will be led by the Connection-Sioux Falls leaders, Jaz and Breanna Terzic. Workshops at this event will focus on a variety of evangelism issues, including reaching teens with the gospel, building gospel communities, hosting evangelistic events, and understanding the turning points of a growing church. Each workshop will be led by DBC pastors.

Mark Custalow is the keynote speaker for the Jamestown workshop. The focus of this workshop will be on reaching the reservations with the gospel. He is the pastor of Glorieta Baptist Church in Oklahoma City and formerly served with the Southern Baptist Convention of Virginia. Custalow has a website,, that provides resources and encouragement designed to “point people to Jesus; help Christian leaders think critically about leadership, evangelism, discipleship, missions, church planting, and church health; and to create an awareness of Bible storying, as well as First Nations people, history, and culture.”

Ray Duplessie, the Choctaw Ministry Consultant, for the Mississippi Baptist Convention will lead worship at the Jamestown event. Breakout sessions will include finding freedom from false religion, building partnerships for discipleship, and the power of a testimony. Each of these sessions will be led by leaders of churches from various Native American reservations around the Dakotas.

All Dakota Baptist pastors, and their wife are invited to attend either or both of this year’s workshops and to bring up to three key lay leaders and their spouse. There is no cost for the workshops. A hotel room for two nights and workshop meals will be provided.

Deadline for registration will be March 18 for the Sioux Falls workshop and April 1 for the Jamestown workshop. For more information on the Sioux Falls event, contact Fred MacDonald at For Jamestown information, contact Paul Young at


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