Pastors and Leaders Challenged To Let God Appeal Through Them
The second of two evangelism workshops was held in early May at the Gladstone Inn in Jamestown, ND.
The theme of the meeting was, “God Making His Appeal through Us.” The event speakers and breakout leaders focused on how to reach Native American with the gospel.
Mark Custalow, founder and director of First Nations Gospel Storyers, was the keynote speaker. He is also the pastor of Glorieta Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, OK.
Ray Duplessie led worship. Duplessie serves at Fernwood Baptist Church in Gulfport, MS and is the Choctaw Ministry Consultant for the Mississippi Baptist Convention.
Seminars focusing on practical ministry were led by Dakota pastors. DBC Church Relations Missionary Paul Young interviewed longtime pastors Milton “Nippy” Owen and Morgan Redday on ways to help people find freedom from false religion. Both pastors have served in Sisseton, SD, on one of the Dakota reservations for many years.
A video featuring Chad Deible and Josh Brown featured a discussion on how to build partnerships to reach out with the gospel to those living on reservations. Deible is the pastor at Creator’s Fellowship in Porcupine, SD on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Brown is the pastor of Redeeming Grace Church in Rapid City, SD. He is also the current DBC president.
Rob Graywater led the final breakout. He used his session to share his own story to demonstrate the power that a personal testimony can have in sharing the gospel. Graywater is a deacon at Dakota Baptist
Church in Fort Totten, ND, on the Spirit Lake Reservation. He is also vice-chairman of the DBC Executive Board.
Segun and Funmi Adeyemo shared their personal testimony of God’s call to move their family 10,000 miles from South Africa to the Dakotas. Segun also encouraged churches to provide believers with training on sharing their personal stories of how Christ changed their life.
Morning devotionals were led by Peter Adkins (Cannonball, ND: Tipi Wakan Baptist Church) and Christian Little (Lower Brule, SD: Hilltop Baptist Church). Little is chairman of the First Nations Baptist Association.