Pastor Participates in Video Gaming to Stop Soldier Suicide

DBC Vice President Chip Holmes, pastor at First Baptist Wolsey and Western Way Cowboy Church in Huron, has been participating in a unique fundraiser to benefit the nonprofit group Stop Soldier Suicide. Chip spent 30 hours playing various video games and streaming his game play on Discord and Twitch. One of the goals of the fundraiser is to provide funding for a call center which serves as a place for soldiers to reach out when they feel they have no other option. As of February 23, $228 has been raised by Chip for the organization. Chip says there are hundreds working toward the overall goal. 

As a soldier, Chip is well aware of the hardships facing our active-duty service members as well as those who are no longer active. During his time of service, he would post handwritten passages of scripture around his bunk and would often have guys asking him if they could take certain passages to hang on their own bunk. This allowed him to serve as a sort of unofficial, impromptu chaplain for the soldiers he interacted with. 

Every day, 22 soldiers take their own life. According to the Stop Soldier Suicide website, veterans are at 57% higher risk of suicide than those who haven’t served. This is 1.5 times the national average. There have been 6,146 veteran suicides since 2020 with over 125,000 taking their own life since 2001. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in veterans under age 45.