Lord, Teach Me to Pray…for the Dakotas


NOTE: September 30 was the final day of our emphasis on the Baker State Mission Offering and Month of Prayer for the Dakotas. To help you in your praying, we prepared a booklet with 30 devotionals entitled, “Lord, Teach Me to Pray . . . for the Dakotas, built around the Lord’s Prayer and various Bible passages. Dr. Mac’s column this month is the final of those devotionals. Of course, we invite you to pray daily for God’s work across North and South Dakota and you can give to the Baker offering at any time. If you would like to contribute to the Baker State Mission Offering, you can do so through your Dakota Baptist church, or online at www.dakotabaptist.com. If you would like a copy of the entire devotional book, email Dr. MacDonald at [email protected]. It is available in English or Spanish.

Day 30: Psalm 150:1-6 ; The Same in Every Language

Focus: “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!” (v. 6)

There is a word that is the same is every language. Go to Japan, hear someone shout this word, and it will bring a smile to your face. Hear this word declared in Thai, and you will know exactly what the person is saying. German, French, Spanish, Burmese, and, yes, even English. What is that word? Let me keep you in suspense just a moment longer.

If you were to read a Hebrew copy of Psalm 150 you would find one word repeated thirteen times. Yep! It is the word that is spoken by believers all around the world. Figure it out yet? It is, “Hallel-Yah,” or, “hallelujah!” Hallel means “praise” and “Yah” is an abbreviated form of “Yahweh” . . . God. It literally means, “Praise the LORD!”

The psalmist declares that everyone should praise God. If you breathe, you qualify! Everyone will praise God one day. The Bible says  that demons praise Jesus. The inhabitants of hell will praise Him; though it will come too late. Even the atheist will bow his or her knee and say, “Jesus is Lord!” Don’t wait that long.

Here are four ways to praise Him:

1) Consciously praise Him in every place and situation. Be intentional about praising Jesus, especially when things aren’t going well.

2) Take time to see the creative handiwork of God. Deliberately notice His hand in the events of your life. In other words, stop blaming or giving credit to coincidence! Stand in awe of who He is and what He does.

3) Openly proclaim the honor He is due. Begin to use words of praise. Words like: “amen, praise the Lord, hallelujah, I exalt you, magnify,” and “glory.” Don’t use them in a casual and flippant manner, though. I was watching a Christian show. A guest was explaining an ordinary thing his dog had done. The host laughed and replied, “Well, amen to that.” Let these words flow from a genuine, heartfelt desire to praise Him.

4) Praise Him with your life as well as your lips. May Jesus never have to say of us what God said through Isaiah, “These people draw near Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me, and in vain they worship Me” (Isa. 29:13). Let your life say: “HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH!”

Praying for the Dakotas: Spend today discovering ways and opportunities to declare to Jesus, “HALLELUJAH.” Begin to praise God for who He is and how He will make Himself known across the Dakotas.

Questions for Spiritual Growth:

1. How can you praise God amid pain and difficulty?

2. Make a list of five things or situations that you can give God praise for.



Executive Director

Fred MacDonald