General Funding Request

This form is designed to streamline the process of requesting funds for your church from the Dakota Baptist Convention (DBC).  Please take the time to fill the form out completely.

Understand, the more information about your event you can give, helps us greatly in our response to your request.  Please state as clearly as you can your reason(s) for the request.  Share clearly how your request relates to strengthening your church or sharing the Gospel or church planting activity.  If it is an evangelistic or outreach or church planting event, share as clearly as you can how you will conduct follow-up with this event / activity.

General Funding Request Form

  • * Please note that these funds are only available to members of the Dakota Baptist Convention.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This is the total cost of the project, not necessarily what you are asking the DBC for.
  • Please list each source contributing towards the overall cost.