First Nations Baptist Association Resumes Family Camp

By: Paul Young

 After a COVID-extended hiatus of 5 years, First Nations Baptist Association was overjoyed to return to their long tradition of holding an annual Family Camp June 11-16 this year. Association Moderator Christian Little, pastor of Hilltop Baptist Church in Lower Brule, SD found a great new location at Badlands Ministries in Medora, ND. The campground was more than able to serve the needs for the more than 130 campers who attended. Fellowship Bible Church of Winchester, VA hosted the event, bringing a team of 50 for the week and leading with planning and logistics, Bible teachers for all ages, and leaders for many different camp activities. They were assisted by a team from the Burnt Swamp Association of North Carolina, long time friends of the First Nations Association, who served as cooks and led the worship times. The Dakota Baptist Convention partnered with Family Camp once again, contributing to the cost of food for the five day camp.

 Over 70 campers came from First Nations churches in the Dakotas including groups from Dakota Baptist Church in Fort Totten, ND; TipiWakan in Cannonball, ND; First Baptist Sisseton, SD; Hilltop Baptist in Lower Brule, SD; and Laplant Baptist from Laplant, SD. Adults and students spent time each day studying Knowing God, chronological Bible teaching material developed by the Global Missions team at Fellowship Bible Church, with age-graded classes from nursery on up to adults. Families worshipped together in the mornings and evenings, with several adults and children praying to receive Christ over the week. Campers were able to enjoy afternoon activities that included archery, human foosball, high-ropes course, and all the kids’ favorite – gaga ball. Most folks found time each day for at least one hike up to cross on the bluff overlooking the camp from above. 

As families prepared to depart on Friday morning, there was general agreement that it was the best Family Camp in memory and people were making plans to return. Thankfully, First Nations Association, Fellowship Bible Church, and Burnt Swamp Association are already making plans to return to the same location June 9-14 for Family Camp 2024.