Dr. Mac’s Minute: Stay Ready
Passage: 1 Timothy 6:11-16
Focus: “. . . keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (v. 14)
No greater fear strikes the heart of a wife than for her husband to say: “Honey! I’ve invited company over. They’ll be here in an hour.” The whole family is called into active duty. “Tommy, clean the bathrooms! Julie, vacuum the floors! Jenny, get started on the dishes!” Sound familiar? And such “emergencies” always seem to come at times when the house is in the greatest state of chaos. That is because one of the hardest lessons to teach children is, it is easier to clean things if you keep them clean as you go.
Guess what! Someone IS coming! We don’t know for sure when. It may be today; it may be next year . . . but the word is, He’s coming soon. His name is Jesus.
As we celebrate the first coming of Jesus this month, it is a good time to remind ourselves that the return of Jesus is just as certain. For some it will be a time of panic. Jesus spoke of ten virgins waiting for the arrival of the bridegroom. Five were wise and trimmed their lamps with oil. The others were foolish and did not. As the wedding party approached, the unprepared guests scrambled to find oil—and missed the event.
For others, Christ’s return will be a time of great rejoicing. Like the wise virgins they will be prepared.
“Miz’ Suzy” was a godly, elderly Southern woman. One day some smart alecky boys tried to have fun at her expense. One of them said, “Miz’ Suzy, the preacher says Jesus is comin’ soon. You believe that?” She eyed the young man suspiciously and said, “I sure do. As sure as you’re standing there!” He laughed and said, “Well you better get home and get ready! He might be there right now.” Miz’ Suzy peered over her glasses and said, “I don’t have to get ready, young man; I stay ready!”
Paul told Timothy to stay ready. “Keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord, Jesus Christ” (1 Timothy 6:14). In a general sense, he meant all of God’s Word, but specifically it calls to mind the Great Commandment to, “love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.” And don’t forget the second one, “love your neighbor as yourself.” We are to keep it without stain or reproach. That is, guard your integrity until the appearing of Christ. In other words, it is easier if you keep your life clean as you go.
As you celebrate the birth of the baby in the manger, don’t forget that He is returning as a conquering King. Stay ready!