DBC Pastors and Wives Invited to “Reconnect” at August Retreat


DBC Pastors and Wives Invited to “Reconnect” at August Retreat

Registration is now open for the 2024 Dakota Baptist Pastors and Wives Retreat is scheduled for August 15-17. It will be held at the Cornerstone Community Church in Mobridge, SD.

The theme for this year’s retreat is “Reconnect.” Dr. Jamie Dew, president of New Orleans Baptist Seminary, and his wife Tara will be the featured guests. Jamie will speak three times and lead the breakout session with the pastors. Tara will spend time encouraging the wives.

The program will provide evening worship sessions, morning devotionals and breakouts, and a final Saturday morning worship time. Friday afternoon will be free time for rest or exploring Mobridge. DBC Church Relations Missionaries Everett Hornbostel and Matt Price will have their four-wheeling jeeps in town and will provide jeep rides for couples that would enjoy that during their free time.

Cornerstone Church is located at 1510 N. Main St. Participants will be provided two nights stay at the Wrangler Inn, which is located at 820 W. Grand Crossing in Mobridge. All meals will be provided during the retreat.

Ministry couples can register online at www.dakotabaptist.com. The registration deadline is August 5. There will be no activities for youth and children or childcare at this year’s retreat. The next pastor and family retreat will be in 2025.