DBC Hosts Two Evangelism Workshops in April


The DBC is sponsoring two evangelism workshops in different parts of the Dakotas this April. The two events will be in Rapid City, SD and Fargo, ND. The theme for both workshops is “What is the Gospel?” and will feature large group sessions as well as breakouts for men and women.

The first workshop will be April 20-22 at Hills of Grace Fellowship, 330 E. Anamosa in Rapid City. The main speaker for this workshop will be Sean Parker, the Executive Director for the Mississippi Baptist Convention. Mona McDonald from Scottsdale, AZ, will lead the women’s sessions. McDonald serves at the Sun Lakes Community Church in Sun Lakes, AZ, where her husband Mitch is pastor. The men’s breakout sessions will be led by Garvon Golden, Matt Hadden, Steve Ford, and Fred MacDonald.

The second workshop will be April 27-29 at Journey Church, 2801 Broadway, N., in Fargo. The main speaker for the Fargo workshop will be J. J. Washington. Washington is the national director of personal evangelism for NAMB. Catherine Renfro, also with NAMB, will return to the Dakotas to lead the women’s sessions. She led these sessions at last year’s workshop in Huron. The men’s breakout sessions will be led by George Crawley, John Flowers, Jeff Robison, and Fred MacDonald.

All DBC pastors and wives are invited to attend. Each pastor is also invited to bring up to three church leaders and spouses. Each workshop will begin with supper on Thursday and conclude with lunch on Saturday. Two nights of hotel rooms will be provided for those coming from out of town. All meals during the workshops will also be provided.

Registrations can be made online at www.dakotabaptist.com/2023-evangelism-retreat/