Dakota Planters Featured in Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer

Each spring SBC churches receive the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, a special mission offering to help with the task of taking the name of Jesus around North America. Churches also take this opportunity to engage in a week of prayer for church planters and missionaries serving in the U.S. and Canada.

This year’s week of prayer features Matt and Amanda Hadden, who serve among the Ogalala Lakota tribe in Porcupine, SD. Matt is the director for the Chanku Waste Ranch, a ministry center on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The prayer guide highlights their work, calling it a “three-lane approach through a summer kids camp, providing a free home repair, and offering medical services through a newly opened clinic.”

Chanku Waste (pronounced chahn-koo wash-tay) Ranch is one of 20 Send Relief centers supported by the North American Mission Board. According to Hadden, “less than three percent of Ogalala Lakota people claim to know the Lord.” He said, “Our goal is to change that statistic and help them experience the hope of a restore life in every aspect.”

The Haddens asked that Southern Baptist churches pray for wisdom to meet the many needs of the Ogalala Lakota people, continued favor and partnerships with tribal leaders, and for growth and support for wellness and construction ministries.



Note: If your church needs additional envelopes or prayer guides for the 2023 Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, request them online at the DBC website or by calling the DBC office.