Dakota Gathering Celebrates 40 Years




The 2023 Dakota Baptist Gathering and Annual Meeting was held October 5-6 at South Canyon Baptist Church in Rapid City, SD. A highlight of the meeting was hearing from the first and the most recent executive director. 

Dewey Hickey, who was named executive director in 1984, a year after the formation of the Dakota Southern Baptist Fellowship travelled with his wife Harriett to attend the celebration. He shared stories from the first days and commended the churches of the Dakotas for all the evidence of growing up that he saw. Garvon Golden, who retired in 2020, also shared memories from his years as a part of what is now the Dakota Baptist Convention.

DBC president Josh Brown (Rapid City, SD: Redeeming Grace) and vice-president Ian Harp (Belfield, ND: Belfield Baptist) guided the meeting  under the theme, “The Heart of Christ.” Messengers from 30 different DBC churches approved the 2024 budget and calendar, three resolutions, several reports, and elected officers for 2023-2024.

Josh Brown was reelected as president and Chip Holmes (Wolsey, SD: First Baptist Church) was elected vice president. 

The Nominations Committee presented Karen Holmes (Wolsey, SD: First Baptist Church) for another term as recording secretary and Debra Page (Miller, SD: First Baptist Church) as assistant recording secretary. George Crawley (Lincoln, ND: First Love Church) and Rob Graywater (Fort Totten, ND: Dakota Baptist Church) were presented and approved for a second term on the Executive Board. Will Page (Miller, SD: First Baptist Church), Jon Ballard (Spearfish, SD: Connection Church), and Justin Lill (Langdon, ND: First Baptist Church) were approved to join the Executive Board.

Dr. Paul Chitwood, president of the International Mission Board, preached on the first night of the meeting. He then answered questions from Brown and the audience.

The 2024 meeting will be at Cornerstone Church in Williston, ND on October 3-4.