Dakota Baptists Travel to Mississippi to Share God’s Work in the Dakotas


Three Dakota Baptists will be in Mississippi the last couple days of January and the first week of February. Stephen Carson (Belle Fourche: Connection Church), Dakota SEND Network Director Buck Hill, and Executive Director Fred MacDonald will be at the Mississippi Baptist Convention state evangelism conference during that time sharing about the work that is happening here in the Dakotas. After the conference they will make a tour of several associations around the state to meet with pastors and church leaders.

The tour is being coordinated by Mississippi state mission director Mike Ray. The goal is to help Mississippi churches see what God is doing and ways they can connect with the Dakotas mission to “strengthen established churches and start new churches.”

While in the southern state, Carson, a Mississippi native, will preach at his home church, Longview Baptist Church in Olive Branch. MacDonald will preach at Trinity Baptist Church in Philadelphia, MS.