Dakota Baptists Give, Pray
By Karen L. Willoughby
Baptist Press
WILLISTON, N.D. – The 2024 Annual Meeting and Dakota Gathering took place Oct. 3-4 at Cornerstone First Baptist Church in Williston, N.D., Oct. 3-4 with a theme of “We Always Pray,” based on 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12.
The largest line item in the Dakota Baptist Convention’s 2025 budget is for the Cooperative Program.
The men’s breakout session at the Dakota annual meeting featured a time of sharing testimonies, needs, and then praying.
Unchanged from last year, Dakota Baptists allocate 25 percent of their budget for the cooperative work of the Southern Baptist Convention.
“Over the 41 years of the Dakota Convention’s lifespan, we have directly benefited and been greatly blessed in many ways by the partnership with our brothers and sisters around the SBC,” Executive Director Fred MacDonald told Baptist Press. “The greatest benefit, however, is knowing that the name of Jesus is being carried around the world and that the churches of the Dakotas are a part of that effort.”
Worship was led by Scott Ristau, associate pastor of Sovereign Grace Church in Aberdeen, S.D. James Proctor, lead pastor of South Canyon Baptist Church in Rapid City, S.D., Josh Brown, pastor of Redeeming Grace Church in Rapid City, S.D., and MacDonald were keynote speakers.
Dakota Baptist Convention officers: Front row (left to right): Vice President Jeff Musgrave, Assistant Recording Secretary Debra Page, Recording Secretary Karen Holmes, President Chip Holmes
Back row (left to right): Executive Board Chairman Josh Bonner, Executive Board Vice Chairman Justin Lill
Worship and fellowship were paramount, the executive director said. Business consisted of the 51 messengers from 29 of the two-state convention’s 82 churches approving the 2025 budget, 2025 calendar and resolutions, plus electing officers and new Executive Board members.
The $539,170 budget for 2025 is 1.7 percent larger than last year’s budget, with $115,000 allocated for national CP giving.
New officers for one-year terms include President Chip Holmes, pastor of First Baptist Church in Wolsey, S.D.; Vice-President Jeff Musgrave, pastor of WayPoint Baptist Church in Minot, N.D.; Recording Secretary Karen Holmes, member of First Baptist Church in Wolsey, S.D.; and Assistant Recording Secretary Debra Page, member of First Baptist Church in Miller, S.D.
In addition to a resolution expressing “sincere gratitude and appreciation” to the host church, Cornerstone Williston, messengers affirmed “the Cooperative Program as our primary method of funding our Great Commission cooperation at home and abroad.”
“The best thing that is happening this year in the Dakotas flows from our theme, ‘We Always Pray,’” MacDonald said. “There has been a renewed commitment to come before the Father’s throne on behalf of His work in the Dakotas.
“For example, during our state mission offering emphasis in September, we replaced the normal ‘week of prayer’ with a ‘month of prayer for the Dakotas,’” the executive director continued. “We put together a 30-day devotional book, in both English and Spanish, and made them available to the members of our churches. It was encouraging, knowing that so many across North and South Dakota were reading God’s Word and praying together throughout the month.”
For Baker State Missions, Living Hope Baptist Church in Fargo, N.D., led in giving with $ 6,010.58 for the state missions offering. Tanner Olson is pastor. Sovereign Grace Church in Aberdeen, S.D., followed with $5,000.00. Sam Ellyson is pastor.
“All of us who live and serve here know that our two states are great places to live but they are also two states with great spiritual needs,” Church Planting Strategist Stephen Carson said in his report. “Pray that God raise up families to come to the Dakotas to plant and pastor, along with raising up families in our Dakota churches with the vision to do the same.”
The next annual gathering of the Dakota Baptist Convention is set for Oct. 9-10, 2025, in Brookings, SD.