Christ Church introduces Making the Bible Come Alive initiative in 2025
by Garvon Golden
The low number of Americans who read the Bible on a daily basis have been on a steady decline over the past 10 years. According to the State of the Bible survey by the American Bible Society only 11% of Americans read the Bible on a daily basis and fewer then 40% read the Bible more than three times a year. No wonder Americans lack a biblical worldview, that many are spiritually malnourished, and spiritual growth is anemic. Lack of scriptural engagement leads to spiritual decline and an unhealthy believer and church as a whole.
To encourage a reversal in this trend Christ Church in Rapid City plans to “Make the Bible Come Alive in 2025”! Pastor Garvon Golden is introducing this emphasis for Crist church during the final month of 2024. The pastor is challenging his congregation to make the Bible come alive by focusing on five things. The church plans to make the Bible come alive by:
- Preaching It!
- Reading it!
- Studying it!
- Applying it!
- Living it!
Each area of focus has a goal for every church member to commit to meeting in 2025.
- To prioritize worship and bible preaching attendance on a weekly basis in 2025.
- To commit to reading through the Bible in 2025
- To challenge every church member to become involved in a small group Bible study in 2025.
- To consistently apply the truths that are discovered from God’s Word to your life.
- Seize opportunities to share your testimony about how God’s word has changed your life with friends, neighbors, family and work associates.
Christ Church is looking forward to how this focus will make the Bible come alive in 2025, and look forward to how it creates more engagement with God’s Word in the life of every believer and the church as a whole. So far, the church has over 35 adults and youth that have committed to this emphasis and goals for 2025, and the church has already seen an increase in worship attendance, Bible study, and scriptural engagement.
Garvon Golden is the pastor at Christ Church in Rapid City, SD and former executive director for the Dakota Baptist Convention.