Buck Hill
State Missions Director/NAMB Missionary
Buck Hill is a missionary with the North American Mission Board and and is the State Director of Missions and Starting Churches Team Leader for the Dakota Baptist Convention. He has served as pastor, Associational Director of Mission and Church Planting Strategist prior to his current position. He also worked as a mechanic for Michelin Tire Corporation for 20 years. Buck has two married daughters—B. J. and Parker. B.J. and her husband Nathan live in North Carolina with three of our grandchildren, and Parker, her husband Mark and three of our grandchildren live in Africa and serve with the I.M.B. The North American Mission Board, located near Atlanta, GA, is the Southern Baptist Convention’s home mission agency which assists SBC churches in reaching the United States, Canada and the US Territories with the gospel of Jesus Christ. NAMB’s work includes starting new SBC churches, training and equipping Southern Baptists in evangelism and mobilizing churches and church members to be on mission for Christ. The Board oversees the work of more than 5,100 missionaries like Buck who depend on faithful support through the Cooperative Program and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.