CP Ambassadors Begin Third Year

January will mark the beginning of the third year for a group of individuals across the Dakotas  that have a great love for missions and mission education. The CP Ambassadors are a group of representatives from several DBC churches that meet once a month by Zoom to talk about the cooperative effort of Southern Baptists to reach the world for Christ and the cooperative effort by Dakota Baptists to reach North and South Dakota.

Currently ten DBC churches have identified an individual to serve as their CP Ambassador. Each month the ambassadors meet online and talk about ways to share what God is doing around the world with their own church. Often the meeting will feature a guest from one of the SBC agencies or seminaries. This enables Dakota Baptists to connect with leaders from across the SBC and see how their cooperative program dollars make a difference in reaching the world for Christ.

The next meeting of the CP Ambassadors will be at 10:00 a.m. (Mountain Time)/11:00 a.m. (Central Time) on Tuesday, January 16. If your church would like to have a CP Ambassador take part in each of these meetings, send their name, email address, and cell phone number to [email protected]. The DBC office will contact these individuals with information on how to join the Zoom meeting.