Connection-Belle Fourche Invites DBC Churches to Kids Camp


Connection Church in Belle Fourche, SD is hosting a Kids Camp this summer. It will be June 29-July 1 at Cedar Canyon Camp in Rapid City, SD and is open to churches across the Dakotas. The theme is â€śWanted.” We are wanted and loved by God. He made us on purpose, for a purpose. Kevin Earnest of Longview Point Baptist Church in Hernando Mississippi will be helping learn more about what this means. Worship will be led by Ashton Rone of Connection Church in Belle Fourche. 

The campground features a BIG water slide, low ropes course, hiking and much more! Camp is $75, which includes food and lodging. Reservations are due by May 3. Children who have completed grades 2-4 are welcome. Children who have not completed at least 2nd grade must come with a parent/guardian.

The camp also needs adult leaders. Each church or group must provide adults leaders for the kids you bring. Please consider coming to camp and encouraging these kids. Camp is fun, laid back and well worth your time. 

Message Bethany Savery with any questions you have or to register [email protected]