DBC starts 2023 with fresh CP and Baker targets
The new year will bring a new goal for both the Cooperative Program giving and the Baker State Missions Offering in the Dakotas. The CP target for the 2023 budget is $435,000 and the Baker goal is $45,000.
The theme for the 2023 Baker offering will follow the annual theme that was recently announced. It is, “The Heart of Christ.” Matthew 11:28-30 will be the focal passage for this year’s offering. The state mission offering is promoted in September, but individuals and churches can give to the Baker offering at any time. Gifts can be sent by churches with their regular monthly CP giving. Gifts can also be given online at the DBC website: www.dakotabaptist.com.
Final figures for 2022 are not yet available, but as of mid-December the churches of the Dakotas were very close to reaching last year’s targets for both CP and Baker.