Chronological Bible Teaching Training Event in Piedmont, SD in May

Chronological Bible Teaching Ministries will host a training event Sunday, May 5, at Redemption Church in Piedmont, SD, from 5:30-7:30 pm.

This event will focus on training God’s people to discover, understand, and tell the story of the Bible. Our passion is to assist every believer to know God’s story and every church to move congregationally toward Bible literacy.

The sessions will include an overview of the material as Stan and Iva May unpack the entire story of the Bible creatively displayed in 14 Eras, in-depth discussion of implementation both at the individual and the church level, and a Q & A time with the CBT team. All are invited, and there is no charge.

You can sign up for this training by visiting or by visiting our Facebook page ( or by calling 901-314-5943.

Paul Betts is the pastor of Redemption Church in Piedmont, SD.

Iva May

Founder and Director, Trainer

Stan May

Board Chair and Trainer