2023 DBC Annual Meeting Site Moved to Rapid City
The 2023 annual meeting of the Dakota Baptist Convention was scheduled to be held in Williston, ND. The DBC Executive Board voted last month to move the meeting to Rapid City and move the upcoming schedule of meeting sites back a year.
The Board made this change for two reasons. First, the meeting will be the 40th annual meeting for the Dakota churches and second, Williston pastor, T. J. Green recently accepted the call to be senior pastor at a church in Texas.
In communicating this change to the DBC pastors, the Board wrote, “Making this change will hopefully enable more folks to attend the meeting as a time of “homecoming” and celebration. It will also take pressure off of our brothers and sisters in Williston at a time when they are in the middle of a pastor search (or in the early days of having a new pastor).”
South Canyon Baptist Church in Rapid City has agreed to serve as host for the 2023 annual meeting. They have a large facility that will enable the Convention to do everything needed for this event. James Proctor is the pastor at South Canyon.
The 2023 DBC annual meeting will be on October 5-6. Future meetings will be held in Williston in 2024, Brookings in 2025, and Fargo in 2026.