Mercy Gate Box Elder Begins Services in New Building


Andy and Tabitha Daniel moved up to South Dakota from Missouri in the summer of 2020.  That summer, they worked to reach out to their community, and were able to visit approximately 70% of the homes in the area, inviting them to a Bible study on the book of Ephesians.  From that August, they began with around 30 people.  By the next Easter, they held their first meeting as a church with 35 in attendance. The church family has continued to grow, with around 15-20 baptisms since the church began.  

Pastor Andy says that the church has been committed to an Acts 2 model, including being committed to meeting together, devotion to teaching, and fellowship, with Mercy Gate hosting a church-wide meal every Sunday night at 5:30.  Growth in the church has necessitated a move to a new facility which will come in February.  On February 5, Mercy Gate plans to meet at their new location.  Mercy Gate’s children’s program has also grown, with about 30 children participating in their Christmas banquets.  They anticipate a summer of continued outreach, including a plan for four block parties, a women’s meeting, and VBS.  Incorporating volunteer teams from three other states, they look forward to seven full weeks of ministry this summer in Box Elder.